Paelon Memorial Hospital
Patricia Elozie Onyia was born on May 25, 1994, with the Charge Syndrome in Lagos, Nigeria. She was my 3rd and last child. Despite her multiple major physical challenges, she was a brightcheerfulpositiveloving and confident child. For her, the glass was never half empty, it was always half full. She played the hand fate had dealt her with dexterity, and won every time.
In April 2002, she went to the Dominican Grimley School for the deaf when mainstream education in Lagos, Nigeria became too challenging. She died in her sleep of complications from the 3rd of five major surgeries she had in her short life on November 11, 2003. Patricia’s birth is the milestone in my life by which I reference all other events.

God first of all made me a Paediatrician, and then He gave me Patricia!!

“She gave me eyes, she gave me ears; and humble care and delicate fears;

A heart, the fountain of sweet tears; and love, and thought, and joy”

– Dr Ngozi Onyia
Founder / MD
Paelon Memorial Hospital

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